The final edit of my exploration of Ridley Road aims to further enhance the existing tension between stillness and movement and presence and absence at the site. The first shot appears to be static, but gradually the camera begins to move forward and continues on a pathway through the space. The sounds of unseen stallholders recorded during the day accompany the moving camera shot, contrasting the visual stillness of the market its self.
The visual slowly transitions to a static viewpoint, with the accompanying sound simultaneously fading into a night time recording. The series of static viewpoints which follow reveal a subtle animation of the space by loose structural materials, litter and shadows. During editing, I chose sections of audio which sometimes corresponded with the visual element and sometimes did not - exploring the poignancy of acousmatic sound.
Revealed by emptiness, the aesthetics of the makeshift structures also divulge the poverty which envelopes this location, and evoke an apprehension of the consequent social issues which generally become masked during the day.