Monday, 15 November 2010

Ja Jetee

Following my tutorial with Robin, I watched the Chris Marker film La Jetee (1966).  It's a film almost completely made with still images.  The amount of time each still is shown for varies, sometimes an image will be present for longer and is accompanied by silence... at these points I found myself being forced to contemplate the image, it's as if time has frozen and you can observe every detail.  I also found myself waiting for something to happen at these points; there's a definate contrast brought to mind between movement and stillness.  The sense of time fascinated me throughout the film: The story is narrated in the present tense, but the use of still images reminds us that these are photographs, presumably taken in the past.

La Jetee

I experimented with series of still images as a creation of narrative for my shoes casts, but was not overly happy with the results.  When playing with the context and setting for the shoes it became too cartoon-like and seemed to take away from the emotional narrative I was aiming to create.